Summer School Marktoberdorf 2023

Safety and Security through Formal Verification

01 Aug – 12 Aug 2023


  • Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Uppsala University
  • Jasmin Blanchette, LMU Munich
  • Byron Cook, Amazon Web Services
  • Javier Esparza, Technical University of Munich
  • Jan Kretinsky, Technical University of Munich
  • Anca Muscholl, University of Bordeaux
  • Aleksandar Nanevski, IMDEA Software Institute
  • Corina Pasareanu, NASA Ames
  • Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • James Worrell, Oxford University
  • Hongseok Yang, KAIST


The schedule for the summer school can be found here.


Algorithmic Verification of Infinite-State Systems

Speaker: Parosh Aziz Abdulla

Abstract: Some of the most notable advances in automated (algorithmic) verification during the last three decades have been achieved in the context of finite-state systems. This success has been mainly due to the invention of model checking. The size and complexity of applications that can be handled have increased rapidly through integration with symbolic techniques such as BDDs, and (more recently) using SAT-solvers. While the above frameworks are well suited for reasoning about finite abstractions of system behaviors, several system features cannot be modeled faithfully without the use of infinite state spaces; examples of such features include variables ranging over unbounded domains, unbounded communication media, timing constraints, dynamic process creation, parameterization (systems with unbounded numbers of components), multi-threading, dynamically allocated data structures, and weak memory models. In the lectures, I will describe some prominent frameworks for dealing with infinite-state systems, including abstraction techniques, partial-order methods, bounded context-switching, and well-structured systems. In addition, I will illustrate such techniques' applicability to areas such as distributed systems, communication protocols, parameterized systems, event-driven programs, and programs running on weakly consistent platforms.

Material: The material and slides to the course can be found here.

Provers and Solvers

Speaker: Jasmin Blanchette

Abstract: Automatic theorem provers are used as backends to various verification tools, including proof assistants. They quickly discharge proof obligations that would take several minutes, sometimes hours for humans to discharge manually. In the lectures, I will present an abstract, mathematical view of how the main automatic theorem proving techniques work, including resolution, superposition, lambda-superposition, SAT/SMT solving, and AVATAR. Resolution and superposition are the leading methods for reasoning about classical first-order logic. Lambda-superposition (developed by my team) is an extension to higher-order logic. SAT solvers are useful to reason efficiently about finite problems. SMT solvers combine SAT with decision procedures for arithmetic and other theories. Finally, the AVATAR architecture extends a superposition prover with a SAT/SMT solver, combining the strengths of both kinds of systems.


Reasoning about, and in, the cloud

Speaker: Byron Cook

Abstract: These lectures will describe methods used at Amazon to reason about the security, safety, and durability of AWS services. The lectures will also discuss methods of using the cloud itself to scale automated reasoning tools.


Lecture 1:
Lecture 2:
Lecture 3:
Lecture 4:

Interactive Proof Systems: From Theory to Practice

Speaker: Javier Esparza

Abstract: Interactive protocols between a prover and a verifier (also known as interactive proof systems) are a well-known tool of complexity theory. In this course we show that they can be used in practice to certify the correctness of automated reasoning tools.
Theoretically, interactive protocols exist for all PSPACE problems. The verifier of a protocol checks the prover's answer to a problem instance in polynomial time, with polynomially many bits of communication, and with exponentially small probability of error. (The prover may need exponential time.) However, existing interactive protocols are not used in practice because their provers use naive algorithms, inefficient even for small instances, that are incompatible with practical implementations of automated reasoning.
The goal of the course is to present a novel interactive protocol for QBF whose prover uses binary decision diagrams (BDDs). The prover has only a linear overhead in computation time over the natural algorithm. After an introduction to QBF, BDDs, and interactive protocols, the protocol is presented and its performance on standard QBF benchmarks is discussed.


Learning-aided probabilistic verification and synthesis

Speaker: Jan Kretinsky

Abstract: This course provides a tutorial on analysis of basic probabilistic models such as Markov chains, Markov decision processes, and stochastic games. These are classical models for applications ranging from decision making under uncertainty (as in AI or game theory), to reliability analysis (e.g., of network protocols or power plants), to design of biochemical experiments, to synthesis of controllers (of embedded and cyber-physical systems).
Verification aims at reliable analysis of these models with respect to different properties. For instance, qualitative properties such as "Is a given state reached with probability 1?" or quantitative questions such as "What is the probability that a given logical specification is satisfied?" or synthesis questions such as "What is the optimal resolution of decisions in order to maximize the frequency of visiting a given state?" The lectures will focus on the algorithmic aspects of the analysis, in particular on graph-based and numerical algorithms rather than on probability theory. This includes classical algorithms such as the attractor construction, linear programming, dynamic programming (value iteration, policy iteration), which relate to approximate dynamic programming, reinforcement learning, or probabilistic planning. Besides, we discuss recent results on the reliability of these algorithms. We shall cover the whole spectrum of results: from the theoretical computational complexity over the mentioned algorithms to their practical properties and recent heuristics combining rigorous mathematical guarantees and practical efficiency of machine learning.


Distributed synthesis and control

Speaker: Anca Muscholl

Abstract: The goal of automated synthesis is to design a program that complies with a given logical specification, and reactive synthesis addresses this question in the setting where programs interact with their environment. This lecture will mainly address the synthesis problem for concurrent programs. After a general introduction to synthesis and games we will consider reactive distributed synthesis in various models. Although the problem turns out to be undecidable for most synchronisation paradigms, we will show some realistic restrictions where distributed synthesis is decidable, and even with reasonable complexity. One such setting are lock-sharing programs, where processes synchronise by using locks from a common pool.


Type and Proof Structures for Concurrent Programs

Speaker: Aleksandar Nanevski

Abstract: The main challenge of software verification in general, and of concurrent software verification in particular, has always been in achieving modularity, i.e., the ability to divide and conquer the correctness proofs with the goal of scaling the verification effort. Types are a formal method well-known for its ability to modularize programs, and in the case of dependent types, the ability to modularize and scale mathematical proofs as well.
This series of lectures presents ongoingwork towards reconciling dependent types with state and shared memory concurrency, with the goal of achieving modular proofs. Applying the type-theoretic paradigm permits a view of separation logic as a form of type theory for state. When scaling to concurrency, this view leads to a new notion of ramified framing. Furthermore, it motivates novel abstractions for programs and proofs based on the algebraic structure of concurrent resources, and structure-preserving functions (i.e., morphisms) between resources.


Symbolic Execution and Quantitative Reasoning: Applications to Software Safety and Security

Speaker: Corina Pasareanu

Abstract: In the lectures I will describe symbolic execution, a systematic program analysis technique which explores multiple program behaviors by solving symbolic constraints collected from conditions in the program. The obtained solutions can be used as test inputs that execute feasible program paths. Symbolic execution has been used to uncover subtle errors and unknown vulnerabilities in many software systems. Furthermore, symbolic execution has been extended with probabilistic reasoning enabling quantitative analysis of programs. This probabilistic information can be used for example to compute the reliability of a controller under different environment conditions or to quantify information leakage in a program. I will also review newer applications of symbolic execution and its probabilistic extension, including the analysis of machine learning models, with respect to safety, robustness, and fairness properties.


Matching Logic - A Minimal Foundation for Programming Languages

Speaker: Grigore Rosu

Abstract: Matching logic is a logical foundation for programming languages. It was initially designed as a foundation for the K Framework, which is used to formally define programming language semantics. Once a programming language is semantically defined, the K Framework offers a suite of tools specialized for that language, which are correct by construction: interpreters, compilers, model checkers, symbolic execution engines, and even full-fledged deductive verifiers. Matching logic allows the programming language semantics to be regarded as a mathematical theory, and all the tasks performed by the various K tools as deriving theorems. Minimality of the logic was an important design factor, because we want it to be eventually implemented as a circuit (in zero-knowledge or hardware or both). Because of its minimality and expressiveness, matching logic can also serve as a foundation to other similar programming language or interactive proving frameworks. In this lecture series I will focus on the basics of matching logic and how it serves as a foundation to K, but interested students are welcome to consult for further reading and to contact us for discussions or collaborations.


Orbit problems for dynamical systems

Speaker: James Worrell

Abstract: The course consists of a brief tour around decision problems for dynamical systems that often arise in research on automata, formal language theory, model checking, and control theory. We will focus on several fundamental open problems, survey the history of the problems and describe the state of the art in terms of decidability, we will introduce relevant mathematical techniques, and finally we will highlight the obstacles to further progress. We will start by explaining the relevance of these open problems to the above-mentioned application areas of computer science. The course will consist of four parts:

  • Linear recurrence sequences and the Skolem Problem
  • The Skolem and Positivity problems for Polynomial recurrence sequences
  • Computing polynomial invariants on dynamical systems
  • Sturmian sequences and transcendence.


Probabilistic Programming

Speaker: Hongseok Yang

Abstract: Probabilistic programming refers to the idea of developing a programming language for writing and reasoning about probabilistic models from machine learning and statistics. Such a language comes with the implementation of several generic inference algorithms that answer various queries about the models written in the language, such as posterior inference and marginalisation. By providing these algorithms, a probabilistic programming language enables data scientists to focus on designing good models based on their domain knowledge, instead of building effective inference engines for their models, a task that typically requires expertise in machine learning, statistics and systems. Even experts in machine learning and statistics may benefit from such a probabilistic programming system because using the system they can easily explore highly advanced models.
This course has two goals. The first is to help students to be a good user of an expressive probabilistic programming language. Throughout the course, we will use a particular language, either Anglican or Pyro, but we will emphasise general principles that apply to a wide range of existing probabilistic programming systems. The second goal is to expose the students to recent exciting results in probabilistic programming, which come from machine learning, statistics, programming languages, and probability theory.

